Loft supports project-driven learning
The Loft supports a project-driven learning cycle

Loft: Canvas
The design canvas helps teams set the goals for their project and choose appropriate milestones.

Loft: Process guide
The process guide teaches complex problem-solving processes such as the human-centered design process used by Design for America students.

Loft: Workbench
Teams use collaborative project management tools to plan their approach.

Loft: Cheers & Help
The Loft helps facilitate team progress by surfacing project struggles and inviting peers and coaches to provide encouragement and help.

Loft: Critique
The Loft face-to-face, computer-supported group critique tools scaffolds feedback so that a group of novices can provide feedback as good as a single expert.

Loft: Authoring
The wiki-like collaborative editing system and automatic collection and critiquing of work allows editors to crowdsource content creation and curation.

The Loft networks Design for America studios which are hosted on University campuses and incorporate local clients, coaches and alumni and communicate directly with DFA Headquarters.

Policy World
Policy world teaches students how to make arguments for policy intervention by constructing and using diagrams that depict causal claims of different sources.

Political Agenda
Political Agenda teaches students how to reason about the ideological values using Moral Foundations Theory to understand the common ground between political groups.

State of Nature
A multiplayer game designed to teach fundamental political concepts such as the State of Nature and Hobbes' Leviathan.
Connected Learning Movements for Civic Education
New models for networked, interest-driven learning groups with social missions

The Loft, a digital studio for learning movements
The Loft is an online platform for orchestrating project-driven learning in civic innovation networks.

NextGenIL - an online deliberation for young people
Networked learning platform for crowdsourcing policy agenda

Cognitive Games for Policy Argumentation
Cognitive games embed intelligent tutors in game-like environments to teach policy argumentation